The API is located at and the query parameters are:
This API is actually in development. Some functions will not work at the moment or will not behave as expected. Use at OWN risc!
*** pastebin: This is the pastebin function. Available VARS: type,data,valid.
# Exmaple:
*** rawpaste: Retrive an existent paste in RAW. Available VARS: data.
*** translate: Do the multilanguage translate to
*** tinyurl: This is the tinyURL function. Available VARS: data,valid,key,mask.
*** hugeurl: Function for the tremendous large URL. Available VARS: data,valid.
*** highlight: List all available highlighting strings.
*** ip: This is the IP/Browser inforamtion function.
*** whois: This is the WHOIS query function. Available VARS: data.
*** zone: Do an AXFR query for given domain. Available VARS: data.
*** upload: This is the uploader. Available VARS: resize,data,hash,user,album.
*** auth: Use this to authen you against the API with your 0wx credentials. Available VARS: user,pass.
*** list: List all your files stored on 0wx. Available VARS: user,hash,album.
*** get: Request thumbnails for your files listet with list by giving a comma separated list of hashes. Available VARS: user,hash,data.
* q -- the query, can be one of this (pastebin|rawpaste|translate|tinyurl|hugeurl|highlight|ip|whois|upload|auth|list|get)
* out -- Set the output to one of this (xml|json|plain) - If nothing is given it defaults to plain
* type -- the highlight keyword for a pastebin
* resize -- the dimension in width x height for resizing images while uploading a file
* album -- albumname when uploading a file of an existent album. If not existent it will be created.
* valid -- keep empty or write 0 for infinite. Examples: seconds: 123 / minutes: 5m / hours: 1h
* data -- the content of a file/pastebin, the URL to encode, the IP/domain for whois/zone-query, a single pastebinhash or a comma separated filehash-list
* mask -- the 0wx URI of the tinyurl you want to edit (URI menas the portion after for eg. -> URI is "ABC123"
* key -- a user-defined key for tinyurl. It may contain \x20-\x7E or be empty. This can be used to edit your tinyurl without changing the 0wx URI
* hash -- the authentication hash you got (Your session TTL is 300 seconds)
* user -- Your username for auth and hash
* pass -- Your password for authing
* lc -- Language Code for translation
-- You may want to take a look at the supportet languagecodes
~ All parameters should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded. You may also use multipart/form-data.
~ You may use GET or POST, but POST is recomended.
~ For authing you can use only POST and HTTPS for security reasons.
~ For uploading you should use only POST because GET has limited size on the vars and otherwise you had to convert the whole file in urlencode.
~ Charset will be one of ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15 or UTF-8. Look at the Content-Type.
~ The list command is answered in XML/1.0. No other formats available.
~ The request for thumbnails is answered in MIME multipart/mixed and Transfer-Encoding base64.
{Thanks to Excid ( for this work. Please report bugs and requests direct to him.}